Lewis is getting on great at the nursery, he loves it, and most of the time when i pick him up they say 'he tasted something today' or last week he was helping make angel delight and she said he had his paws in it before they could it to the fridge lol that's my boy, anyway, it never goes beyond tasting. BUT on the 11th at home, he ATE half a wee yoghurt, he actually really ate it, swallowed it and everything, the pot was empty, he squeezed every last drop, so he ate and swallowed half of it and the other half was all over his face, his highchair and his hair lol, i have a video i'll have to put it on somewhere so i can put it on here but haven't time just now as need to go get ready to pick Lewis up from nursery. i was soooooo proud of him, we were really hoping this was him turning a corner but sad to say he hasn't done it again, just makes a mess with everything but not actually eating, still though we KNOW he can :)
He's such a proper little boy and his speech is just great, he's running around like mad and he's just nuts, to think we were told he'd never play football or run around with the other kids, pfffft try telling Lewis that :) hopefully once his wee sister is here he may pick up a thing or 2 about eating from her, talking of which i have my section date :) princess bumpyroo will be here on the 29th September, the day after my birthday, best birthday present ever, the gift of our 2nd sunshine miracle baby :) have to run now will update with that video and some pics soon.