Lewis had his endoscopy and tube change yesterday, results of the endoscopy are that yes his fundo is too tight!! At last, a year since he had the fundo done and we thought something wasn't right not long after, finally have an answer!! Only thing is now his consultant wants him back in within 6 weeks to have a little operation so he can loosen it off a little, Only thing there is my section date for bumpyroo is 6 weeks tomorrow and this operation requires a couple nights stay! So not ideal being so heavy pregnant but we'll work something out! Ricky had to take him up for 7.30 yesterday morning as he was 1st on the list for the theatre, he went down just after 9am He started realising something was going on an was clinging to daddy :( daddy held him while he was put to sleep, I done it last time and never again, it's not nice x I had to stay home for lewis's new supplies coming cos of the hospital switching pump and feed suppliers, and for training on the new pump! His new tube is the 'mini button' much more discreet than the peg and means no more popper vests to keep it from dangling loose and getting caught on everything, just trying to get used to having to attach the feeding set on and off whenever we need to feed him and he's not keen on me fiddling round with it but hopefully he'll get used to it cos it's hard to attach the set when he's wriggling away and trying to kick or push me off! Quite paranoid of the button coming out as I've not had training to put it back in yet! Oh and the new feeding pump is fab, a little more modern and a little less 'manual' consultant wanted Lewis to stay in last night, but after a little bit of treated like we were stupid n being patronised I was determined he'd be coming home, he didn't have any surgery, was just 2 little procedures n we were told we couldn't take him out the ward, yeh you try containing a hyper 21 month old to a tiny room and cot, while I massively pregnant try n sleep in a tiny camp bed when it was totally unnecessary for him to stay! Consultant said it was cos he wanted a night feed on the pump observed as there had been some problems with the buttons, but told him I was willing to have him on the pump for just a few hours n then get up n down the rest of the night to bolus feed, he was happy with that n so that's what I did, still got more sleep than I would have in hospital and had my own bed!
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