well it was just supposed to be more of a reassurance scan, not to look at Sunshines CDH or anything else, we seen the new doctor as ours is away on holiday she was very thorough going through all his anatomy doing measurements etc, which scared me because i was kind of looking forward to the scan today as we were just going to get to see Sunshine and not worrying about the anatomy side of things, but i'm glad to say everything is 'fine' he's measuring spot on still, fluid is fine just now and everything just remains the same from the last scan, she did worry me so much when she finished but then asked if it was ok if she had another look at the heart as she could only see 1 vessel or something, but that turned out ok thankfully,
well what an absolutely beautiful wee boy, such a wee character, he wouldn't keep still at all turning himself round to hide from her, everytime she went to look for something else to measure he moved, least she was patient with him though even laughing at him, specially when he gave us another flash, cheeky wee monkey, he's a lucky boy in that department i must say. we got a nice look at his lips as well, very cute lol, also seen a few wee resemblances to Nathan today which i guess is to be expected being brothers but sad at the same time.
i'm feeling good today after a very hard couple of days of everything hitting me and catching up to me, seeing he's still growing well and very active and the fact that nothing major has changed in relation to the CDH, she did try to measure his lungs but was very difficult so couldn't manage it, i'm not ready for that yet though and the whole LHR thing. i know this 'good' feeling won't last so i'l try and make the most of it.
everytime we see him on the scans n see what a wee character he is i just fall in love with him all over again.
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