well on Friday morning i took delivery of a nice shiny feeding pump and a box of giving sets :) then in the afternoon i had a visit from a man who trained me on using it, i will just say WHAT A HUGE DIFFERENCE this is making, had my 1st whole night sleep in forever and it's better for Lewis as well as before, with his tummy still tender he was waking up during the night as we fed him and he was crying etc but now as it goes in slowly over 8 hours he barely knows and so he's back to the way he was before his fundo, sleeping right through, we started off on friday night with 30 mils an hour then night night up to 40 then next 50 etc, last night he was on 60 mils an hour, therefore reducing the amount he needs through the day, so now he'd down to just 3 milk feeds through the day at proper meal times, breakfast, lunch and dinner, introducing him to the world of 'normal' feeding times, we'll slowly get up to so much through the night i'm not sure what the target is, so that he'll actually feel hungry through the day, which we hope may help in the learning to eat process, so he will eventually learn eating satisfies hunger, i'm so glad i pushed for this, it was all my idea just has taking some time to actually get it to happen and glad every1 is on side and agrees with my plan, let's just hope it works :)
Yesterday Lewis's top left tooth made a little appearance through the gum and i think in the next couple of days the 1 beside it will be through as well, if it isn't already this morning, i'll have a look when he gets up, i'm sure he has a couple coming on the bottom beside his front ones as well, but to be fair he's taking it all in his stride, it's not bothering him at all, a friend said this is because in comparison to everything he's been through already this is nothing, so true.
He wanted his bed earlier last night so bathed him a bit earlier and put him to bed and he's still sleeping now at 8.30am so had 13 hours so far, lazy bones :)
We were away meeting some fab SANDS ladies on saturday and the above picture is Lewis table licking lol so funny, weird how he'll lick and chew on everything except food!!
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