yesterday was Lewis's 1st appointment at the Diaphragm clinic, when we got there we were sent along for xray, Lewis was soooo good lying still and we were in and out in like 5 minutes, then we headed back to the clinic and went into see the physio people, they're happy with Lewis in that sense and said he's came on leaps since they last seen him before he was discharged from hospital, gave us some wee things to do with Lewis so he still gets to work the muscles in his mouth/face as he's refusing his oral feeds and we're getting referred to speech therapist near home to work on the feeds, but to be honest there's only 1 thing that needs to happen to get Lewis feeding again and that's to come off the yukky smelling and tasting high calorie milk but they won't do that,
next stop was into see the doctor, apparently Lewis is only just scraping by with weight gain and he was concerned at the amount of feeds in a day Lewis was bringing back up and the xray showed his right lung looks whiter than the left, he says that could be the reflux coming back on his lungs though sooooooo he wants Lewis admitted to the hospital for a couple of days to run tests on the reflux, to determine how bad it is etc and to see if the operation would benefit him, though he's not keen to do the operation, he would rather just wait it out and see if it gets any better as Lewis gets bigger and starts on solids etc but like he said, bringing back 5/6 out of 6 feeds in a day is not good.
he says we'll be looking at the beginning of March to be going in, great, last place i want to be over Nathan's 2nd birthday, we have plans for his birthday as well, will just have to wait and see what dates they send us out for it and go from there, just worried about his 'good' lung looking whiter than the 'bad' lung.
He really is just a wee treasure though, he's so precious to us after everything he went through to be here and moreso after Nathan etc,
i'll add some pics xx
Hayley + Sunshine Warrior, Lewis xx
Surgeon Appointment
1 year ago
what a pretty baby! I pray the best for you all :)
He's so handsome! He really does look good! The feeding will come in time, as does growth! We are learning this everyday with Jaime!
Best of luck during your next hospital admit!
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