Have been back a few hours now but was sooooo tired and had to have a sleep lol,
well today was a bit positive i guess though my head is still a bit spinning, good news is Sunshines LHR is between 1.3 and 1.5 which put him in the 'good' end for now, i do know this could change though, hopefully for the better, fingers crossed. However there was no visible left lung tissue, i was prepared for a very hypoplastic left lung but not for none, so not sure how i feel about this at the minute, just have to hope so much there is even a tiny bit of lung tissue hiding in there to which a left lung can grow from later after he's born etc, if not then we need to prepare for him having only 1 lung for the rest of his life, just hope so much the right lung will be strong enough and do well enough to get him through.
From the MRI, it's still bowel and stomach in his chest AND the liver is..... DOWN, yay fingers crossed again that it stays down, i meant to ask about the size of the hole as well but forgot duh.
So that's about it, we only got a wee glance at his face during the scan and no picture so was really disappointed BUT another lady who was chatting with us said she would get us one, wasn't thinking i'd get another scan just to get pics though but was soooo pleased, she spent time showing us every bit of him and we got 3 pictures and we were watching him have the hiccups which was funny. Oh and just to note he DID flash as usual lol.
Also discovered the reason (i think) why i struggle for breath a lot, he's breech with his head up near my chest and seen him pushing his pushing his feet out and pushing himself up and down, wee monkey maybe why i feel like i'm being crushed when i lie on my back as well, if his heavy end is so near my chest.
He's doing well in there poor wee thing, and he's doing what he's meant to be doing with the amniotic fluid as it's still normal, clever boy because mummy doesn't want to have too much as it's not good for his lungs either.
Apparently they usually induce at 39 weeks, was hoping to go in at 38 as 39 is a bit close incase it starts naturally before then, so scared i won't make it to the hospital in a hurry, will see how things go nearer the time.
Think they forgot about touring us round intensive care, so didn't mention it as after all that i really just wanted to go home, didn't feel as ready for it as i thought i did, but plenty time i guess.
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