
Monday, 29 October 2012

Oh my has it really been so long??

Wow I can't believe I haven't been on here in so long!!
Well our sunshine warrior will be a whole 3 years old in 2 weeks! What's journey it's been too! I was looking back at some baby photos the other night from when he was born and his time in NICU, I haven't looked through them in so long, I cried, I can't believe that was our little boy so very poorly, fighting so hard for his life, to look at him now it's just unbelievable! It feels like it was all a million years ago!
He keeps in fairly good health considering, though has been plagues with a few chest infections this year, 1 particularly bad 1 where he ended up in hospital and had abnormal breathing because of it, but they refused to X-ray! I'm just so glad we don't end up in hospital very often!
He's a proper little boy, running round just like any normal 2 year old even though they said he wouldn't, he does tire a little quicker than normal though, but at least the whole thing doesn't stop him!
He is still fed through his gtube, but he will try almost anything food wise now, not enough to count as intake still but his interest is just so great!
He's still enjoying nursery, going 3 sessions a week but due to start 5 sessions in December, he also attends an outdoor nursery 1 session a week and he absolutely loves that, just running around outdoors getting dirty, just like kids used to when I was little as you don't really see much of that nowadays!
I have also just recently discovered the 'blended diet' which interests me very much and is something we would love for Lewis to experience, normal food in his tummy, there is no medical reason he can't eat and swallow food safely and we are hoping 1 day he'll get over the aversions etc and eat just like us, so why not start him on proper normal food sooner, he'll just be getting it through his gtube instead of his mouth! I did buy and have read The complete tube feeding book by Eric aadhaar, what a great book and a great starting point, I have learnt so much by reading this, can't really say anymore on it just now as technically we haven't been giving the ok to start the blended food, but I do reckon we'll have to push as hard as we can to get all round agreement, beats me why though, I mean it is  just food after all :)
Oh and Lewis (and his little sister Kaylah) will have a new little brother joining us in February, a big surprise but a very welcome 1 :)

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