They just tried takin lewis off the ventilator but he wasn't coping too well and was struggling a bit and his sats were going a bit mad so they've just kicked us out while they put him back on it, was so hopin he'd get it off today so i can get a cuddle but i guess he's just not ready, not sure when they'll try again just see how he goes x
He'll be well worth the wait!!I remember them trying Kaden a good few times and him not being ready - he'll do it in his own time.
Take Care Gil xx
Jaime was on the vent for 41 days his first NICU run and 8 days, for his second. It will come, all in due time! Keep getting stronger little man so that Mommy can hold you!
Many prayers coming your way!
he's still so young! he's done so well! He'll be great! What an amazing boy....lots of love and prayers.....
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