Lewis came back from theatre after a very long 5 hours, they found part of his liver was UP and he has got a left lung though its very small as expected anyway, they thought at 1st it didnt look so bad and was quite a bit of diaphragm at the front but as they looked further back there was hardly any diaphragm at the back but they managed to repair the hole usin what muscle they had from the diaphragm and some from tummy muscle, they said his tummy is a bit tighter than they would like so keeping am extra eye on it overnight especially and once his body starts floodin the area with extra fluid and things as part of the normal healing process theres the risk his tummy will be way too tight and they,ll have to take him back to theatre to release the tension, poor wee man looks different now obviously his chest has sunk and his tummy has filled, the way it should be, but got used to seeing big chest n tiny tummy, so proud of him getting this far and getting through the operation even though the next 48 hours are most critical, he has just amazed us every single day and hope so much he continues to amaze us further he's just an amazing wee guy, our sunshine warrior
Well done Lewis you are a little star !! You have a rest now poor wee man 5hrs is such a long time.Keep on fighting Lewis you nearly there x x
Lewis has been and will continue to be in my prayers!
Ah pleased he`s doing so well, keep up the good work little Lewis :) xxxxx
Lewis what a fighter you are! truely amazing little boy. you are in my thoughts daily.
lots of love
Kirsty (Lexi's mummy) xxxx
So happy to hear Lewis is out of surgery! Praying for the next 48 hours he remains stable and doesn't have to go back into surgery. Keep fighting Lewis, you precious Sunshine warrior!!
(((HUGS))) Hayley and family!
Keep fighting Lewis.......you have so many prayers behind you.
God bless you lad.
Hayley and Ricky I am so proud of you guys......that boy couldn't ask for better parents.
Lots of love.
Richard and family
Great news!! Keep the updates coming! Keeping you three in my prayers. You have got quite the little warrior there!
Many thoughts for the next 48 hours. ((hugs))
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