
Thursday, 15 October 2009

Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day

would just like to ask every1 to light a candle tonight at 7pm (even if you've never lost a baby) to burn for an hour for all our precious angel babies, as 1 time zone finishes another begins, creating a 'wave of light' for all our angels

i will be lighting mine for 'oor wee jellybean' Nathan born an angel 7th March 2008
and our little lost rainbow 25th November 2008
'always loved, never forgotten'

and for all their angel friends xxx


Anonymous said...

Thinking of you and your angels always but especially tonight my friend.
Lots of love and we will be united and connected when the Wave of Light links us.
Rachel (& angel Joshie) xxxx

The Economic Voice said...

Also in our prayers tonight....

Unknown said...

Will light a candle for all precious angel babiesx

Sharon x x


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