
Thursday, 22 October 2009

36+2 todays scan etc

scan today went as 'well' as always, along with the MRI results showing still stomach and bowels up in his chest with liver DOWN, LHR in at 2.2, fluid levels are now higher than normal so been told any niggles at all have to go in and checked out and to go back to glasgow in a week to check the levels again to make sure they're not rising too fast. oh and EFW is 6lb 12oz

Had a chat with a consultant paediatrician as well today and he went through everything that would happen with Sunshine from when he was born, very hard hearing a lot of it, i don't like hearing it and don't like talking about it, on the plus side he said we would get to see Sunshine after they got the tubes in straight after he's born and before they rush him to PICU, only if things aren't very serious, though it won't be for long at all it's better than nothing.

Next was a trip to the wing i'll be staying in while there, good thing is there is no babies in it, it's for women who's babies haven't been born yet and for women who's babies aren't with them for whatever reason, so i'm quite glad about that, i already have a baby phobia since Nathan, the PICU will be the closest i've been to babies since Nathan so i'm quite nervous about that.

Next was a trip up to PICU omg that was sooo hard, seeing these tiny babies and all the machines and noises, standing at the door of each room was enough for me i just couldn't go in.

Have been booked in for 2pm on the 10th November, with induction set for the 11th, Ricky's not allowed to stay that 1st night as nothing will be happening, but really don't want to be left on my own :(
and it looks like from the way they were talkin today that we will have to travel back and forward to see Sunshine in the hospital. not sure how i'll cope with that, just want to be with my little boy :(


Tracy Meats said...

Praying for "Sunshine" and you!! Stay strong and tell "Sunshine" to keep fighting!!

Much love to you,
Tracy Meats, Ian's mom from Cherubs

Unknown said...

Hi Hayley,
I have been thinking about you so much since reading your blog. I left a comment last week your pregnancy is word for word so like mine.I have many things I would love to reassure you about just little things but it may help. My name is sharon and I come from fife now mum to Campbell who is 14wks old. All cdh babies are different but please contact me if you need to talk I would love to help.My email is I hope to hear from you take care x x

Liz and Shane said...

praying for you and your sunshine.
stay strong!


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