
Wednesday 23 September 2009

32 weeks

well we're now 32 weeks, only 7 to go until induction time, just can't stop thinking how fast the time is going, only just said can't believe it's september already and now i'm saying can't believe it's nearly october lol.
Nothing much to report in the run up to birth time, guess all the posts will really start once Sunshine is born.
Been worried about his hiccups lately, not sure what's normal but he seems to be getting them quite a lot, at least he's still very active though which i guess is a good thing, always beatin the crap out of me, the wee monkey.
Have another lung scan and MRI and to get 1st steroids on 9th october n either get the other lot locally the day before or the day after, not sure yet waiting for a phone call from consultant here. Goin to have the 'tour' of intensive care and the unit where he'll be once born when we're in glasgow on the 9th and hopefully if Mr H is free then we'll get another chat with him, he's one of the surgeons at Yorkhill, i hope so much it's him who'll be dealing with us as everyone i've spoke to can't speak highly enough of him, but guess it'll just depend who's there when that time comes. so fingers crossed for the 9th and here's to hoping for another good increase on the LHR and that the contents of his chest remain at least the same, would still be great if everything that didn't belong in there just packed up n moved back to where they belong, but that's unlikely, so always just hope it's no worse.
Don't like to bring a downer on Sunshines blog but the closer it gets to delivery time the more frequent the bad days are, but then it's not all about Sunshine, it doesn't help when some scumbags think they can help themselves to the things we had in a wee area of our own back garden for Nathan, all his things are gone and what's worse is 2 of them had his name on them, least his things are more safe at his grave, or so we thought, till some1 has stolen a wee snoglobe thing we got him from sea life grr hate how people think they have the right to take his things, is it because he's not here? BORN STILL BUT STILL BORN, still a wee person with the right to as much respect as the rest of us.

anyway till next time, though probably not before the appointments in october as nothing really to report till then xx


Sean said...

Hi Hayley. My name is Lori. I came across your blog on a CDH blog ring listing. My unborn son has CDH as well. I'll be 26 weeks tomorrow. This is our third diagnosis of what's wrong with him. First they thought some enlarged gland. Then they said it was a lung mass referred to as CCAM, but I quickly went for a second opinion and finally came to the diagnosis of CDH. I've read your blog pretty much from just before your diagnosis to present. I understand completely what you're going through. CDH is such a tricky thing because there really is no way to know the extent of it til little one is born. Just wanted to say, thanks for sharing your journey, and I hope you don't mind me adding you to my list of blogs I read.

Hope you and Sunshine are doing well.

Tracy Meats said...

Stay strong for Sunshine! Hope you have a good appt. on the 9th and no more surprises, but a good report that he is strong. Praying for Sunshine and your family.

Much love, Tracy, Ian's mom from CHERUBS

Kathryn Olmstead said...

When I was pregnant for K, she had hiccups ALL the time!! It was so strange to me because she was lacking a portion of her diaphragm. But she ALWAYS had them- and they are soo annoying!! :)

Also- we got the steroids too- and honestly, I think they helped. K's lungs were at a 1.6.. two amnio's in a row- and then I got the steroids. Never had another amnio but I do think they helped!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Hayley,
I've not seen you on the special babies forum for a little while, so hope you don't mind me posting here.
I just wanted to say hello and see how you are doing. I hope your appointment goes well on 9th October.
Thinking of you
Kylie - Erin's mummy, xx

Liz and Shane said...

Hi Hayley,
My daughter was born with LCDH on October 22, 2008. She had hiccups all the time. I think one time it was for over an hour. I am praying for you and your little sunshine.
I am sorry about the stufff that was stolen from Nathan. that is terrible.

The Economic Voice said...

Myself and family are praying for you guys....our daughter had hiccups through out the last stages of pregnancy...they kept my wife awake all night and our daughter didn't have LCDH so I think its quite normal anyway.

All the best wishes and prayers.

The Economic Voice's Titanic Captain and family.

Unknown said...

Hi Hayley,
my name is Sharon not so long ago I was in the same position as yourself. The 26th of February was the day when our lives were turned upside down, my only worries that day were finding a parking space and not being late for ny appointment.Our son was diagnosed with CDH ,after 19weeks of appointments,tests,scans etc Campbell was born at Queen Mums Glasgow.He weighed 6lb 10oz and was the spitting image of his brother.Campbell was very stable and it was decided to operate on day 3 instead of day 5 as planned. His op was a great success ,and he recovered so well he was home 3weeks and 1 day later.We were so prepared for all the lows and we still find it hard to believe he is with us.Campbell is back at Yorkhill next week after an x-ray has shown his lungs are not looking great he may have to have a ct scan.I will continue to read your blog and hope and pray that your little Sunshine does as well as Campbell.Xxx


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